뉴욕한국문화원 기획/ 인형극 <버드나무를 타고 올라간 용궁> 무대(7pm)
Friday, April 25, 2014 at 7PM
Korean Cultural Service NY
Korean puppets, sounds and drawings take children to a universal fairy tale, talking brotherhood and love.
Climb a Willow to the Sea GOD'S Palace is a live painting puppet theatre. Actors draw 8 different Korean paintings on Korean traditional paper (“Hanji”) and the paintings become the background of scenes. Handmade shadow puppets emerge from the painted scenes accompanied by Korean musical rhythm, which allows the audience to be immersed into the old fairy tale. Particularly, young audience members will be captivated with its creative performance and moral lesson.
The story is about brotherly love and filial duty towards parents. The main characters are two friendly brothers who once lived in Kangwon Province in Korea. Their father's last words lead to a disagreement between the brothers, and they go their separate ways. The younger brother follows their father's words and reunites with their father in the Palace of the Sea King but of some disturbing news about his elder brother.
Kkumdongi Puppet Theatre Since April of 1996, Kkumdongi Puppet Theatre has performed their puppet performance, juvenile drama, and cultural education programs. The organization focuses on creating and developing their original plays such as the Kangwon Province Folk Tale Series.
AWARDS 2012 Outstanding Production at "GO! Avignon OFF”, Busan International Performing Arts Festival
2012 Silver Award and Production Design Award at the 10th Gimcheon National Family Theatre Festival
TOURING HISTORY 2006~2013 Korea Culture Week in Shenyang, China Edinburgh Fringe Festival show invited Kingdom, The Space Theatre, UK
Free admission, but RSVP is required. Please follow the link below. http://www.koreanculture.org/?mid=RSVP04252014&act=dispBoardWrite
If you have any inquiry, call at 212-759-9550 (ex.210) or email performingarts@koreanculture.org
Performing Arts Korean Cultural Service NY
460 Park Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10022
*사진올리는 방법-Browse클릭>본문적용클릭>팝업,적용하기 클릭
[ⓒ 뉴욕코리아(www.newyorkkorea.net), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]
Contact Us : 고객센터문의, Tel: 대표 201-674-5611
E-mail: lakorea77@gmail.com, 빠른카톡상담ID : newyorkkorea
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