요즘 핫한 분야인 UX UI 디자인에 관심이 있지만 어디서 시작해야되는지 모르시는 분들
포트폴리오를 만들고 계시지만 전문적인 리뷰와 피드백이 필요하신분들 포트폴리오에서 부터 레쥬메 인터뷰와 실전에 대해 1:1으로 듣고싶으신 분들 학원에서 그룹으로 따라가기보단 1:1로 집중 도움을 받고 싶으신분 UX UI 디자인 분야에서 일하고 싶으신 분들 현직 디자이너에게 조언과 가이드가 필요하신분들 가지고 있는 포트폴리오를 더 탄탄히 손보고 싶으신 분들 학원을 다니기엔 가격이 부담이신 분들
12년 경력에 정석 디자인 전공 현직 Tech Big4 UX UI 디자이너와 함께 포트폴리오를 만들어 보아요. 포트폴리오를 완성하는데 도움을 드리겠습니다.
Online session 한 세션당 1.5hrs 1:1 과외 + 20분 체킨 Time slots available anytime before 12pm anytime after 4pm PST (주중 아침/저녁 시간이 안되시는분들은 주말 스케줄로 조정이 가능합니다.) What to expect - Explore new concepts through expert-led guides and discussions - Complete hands-on design exercises to reinforce newly learned skills - Execute the UX design process from start to finish - Receive individual feedback and support - Build out a portfolio of sketches, user research and final design to demonstrate hire-ability and job-ready skills to potential employers - Create a resume and interview practices What to bring You must have your own MacBook and preferred program(s) to use.
As a student, you’ll receive 1:1 dedicated support and help to set goals, make a roadmap of success, and stay on track with your job search. Throughout this experience, you will: - Get an inside look at the industry through day-in-the-life talks - Cultivate a competitive mindset, learning to assess your skill set against job descriptions, track progress, and recognize opportunities - Develop your professional brand: I will help you polish your online and/or in-person presence, and presence, and practice design challenges and whiteboarding skills to set yourself apart in interviews
What you will learn (syllabus) 1. Introduction to UX Fundamentals - Overview of UX design principles and practices. - Identifying areas of interest in UX. - Understanding business and user goals. 2. UX Foundations - Exploring opportunities for improvement in existing products. - Competitive analysis and market positioning. 3. UI Foundations - Defining the target audience for a product. -Naming the product based on audience insights. 4. Design Iteration - Creating mood boards to set the tone and vibe. - Developing an inspirational collage. 5. Design Development - Sketching logo concepts. - Establishing design principles. 6. UX in the Real World - Selecting typography and color schemes. - Conducting user research. 7. Information Architecture - Developing information architecture based on research. - Mapping solutions to identified problems. 8. Refining the Design - Reviewing and confirming assumptions in the mapping. - Refining the architecture. 9. Navigation and Flow - Creating navigation, sitemaps, and flowcharts. - Designing application layouts and wireframes. 10. Content and Features - Reviewing wireframes and layouts. - Developing a content strategy and feature prioritization. 11. Responsive Design - Applying responsive design principles. - Managing the project with a focus on business and user goals. 12. UX Career Planning - Organizing a portfolio website. - Crafting and reviewing resumes. - Preparing for job interviews.
Each session will include practical exercises that align with the topics covered, allowing students to apply what they've learned to real-world scenarios. The course will culminate in a final project where students will create a comprehensive UX design for a product, including all the elements discussed throughout the course.
포트폴리오에 몇개의 프로젝트를 넣는냐의 따라 본인의 의지와 가지고 계신 시간에 따라 기간은 더 길어지거나 짧아질수 있습니다.* House Rules - 시작전 30분 상담후 첫 세션이 진행됩니다. - 정하신 요일과 시간 맞춰 와주시고 늦으시는데로 자신의 시간이 깍이는걸 인지하시고 늦지 않게 정하신 시간에 와주시기 바람니다. - 오시지 못할경우 12시간 전까지 알려주셔야하며 no show를 하실경우 session fee가 차지될 예정입니다. - 세션 바로전 / 바로후 세션 fee를 내시면 됨니다. -긍정적인 마인드에 좋은 에너지를 가지고 와주시기 바람니다!
관심있으신분들은 삼일공.오육공.육삼칠사로 문자 주세요.